A few days ago I decided to take a break from my daily job hunt, which was getting pretty frustrating, and go bowling. I looked online and found an alley about 2 miles away. When I got there I started to shoot the shit with the people behind the counter, and after a few minutes the manager offered me a job. Now normally I wouldn't really want to work at a bowling alley especially after going to college and being educated and all the shit (ha), but I have been looking for a job for abouta month and haven't found anything so I was getting pretty desperate. I had told myself that if I didn't get a job by Friday (today) I was going to work at the grocery store. Now I love food, but I love bowling more so this job might be slightly more interesting. It will probably end up being pretty short term (or not), but for now it should be fun/interesting, and its a hell of a lot better than nothing. I start tonight. Just call me Steve.
As far as bowling goes I didn't do to bad- 182, 155, 170, 169. I could tell it had been a while. I was all over the place. I also think I found a league to be on.
I miss bowling with you guys (dan, ciggy, craig). Should I bring the balls when I come back for Moss's wedding? I'm going to be back from Sept. 27- Oct. 3.