Hard Times for Jeeves
I had read about this a while ago, and kind of noticed the disappearance of Jeeves, the wonderful butler that scoured the internets looking for answers to questions on Ask.com. But, alas, Ask.com is throwing Jeeves out on the street. Reportedly, they want to be taken as seriously as Google. But, come on, who wasn't taking Jeeves seriously. I once asked Jeeves what a certain four letter word meant, and he dragged me by the ear into the pool room, shoved my head under the water for what seemed to be a good 5 minutes, yanked it back, held a knife to my throat, and yelled, "You don't fucking need to know, got it?" I took him seriously. He killed my parents. It has been reported that since Jeeves heard the news, he refuses to answer anymore questions, but simply parses through the wasteland of the internets looking for porn and purchasing alcohol.
Ask.com is interviewing new electronic icons to replace Jeeves; right now they've lined up a carrier pigeon, an overweight postal delivery person, one of the guys from the DHL commercials (I vote for the one who removed his shoes in the library), and Hermes.