Sebulski steps it up
Kind of pressed for time, so The OC review will be in whenever I get the chance.
Sam missed out on league bowling last night to go see The Arcade Fire, that dumb slut. And a good time he missed. We started out strong, Ciggy with a 173 and me with a score in the 160s. Second game, we all dropped a bit, Ciggy pulled a 136 and I managed something in the 150s. Third game, I finished off with the high of the night with a 175, and Ciggy jumped back up to the 160s. Overall, Bruckheimer held his own, if you consider getting a high of 136 holding your own.
The team next to us killed us, mainly because they’re second in the league, and we’re just not that good yet. One of them rolled a 204. Those bastards.
Key moments: me blowing four turkey opportunities and two frames where I threw it straight in the gutter.