I'm Late, I'm Late, I know...
I realize that Sam hates this excuse, but I have been rather busy at work, and was unable to even get access to the internet; hence, I haven’t posted on Sunday’s bowling. But since it was such an awesome night (for two of us), I’m still going to write about it.
One thing needs to be mentioned before I give the scores. Sam was already drunk when Cigs and I got there. I believe that this is why he didn’t have a great night until later into the evening. Also, it was hilarious to watch him go through the process of not being drunk enough to not be horribly upset right away to later in the night where he didn’t give a fuck if he threw the ball in the gutter. Coincidentally, it’s when he stopped caring (and took a shot of SoCo and lime) that he started bowling well again. Weird.
So, how did we do? Pretty fucking awesome. Overall, I beat Cigs by 2 pins with totals of 1605 and 1603. I had four games over 170, topping out at 190. Cigs had only four games under 160 and topped out at 203. We were neck to neck most games, resulting in insane tension and trash talking throughout the night. I had two turkeys, Cigs had one, and we had a few team turkeys. Like I said before, Sam started out a little shaky (although he did win the first game). He had a few rough games, then started bowling like he normally does after drinking a bit more.
Highlight: I threw my ball backward again and Sam hit the floor crying with laughter harder than my ball did.